Shikarpur’s Balconies and Brackets Flavors of Turkish cuisine bring together Pakistani politicians, officials China's Chang'e-6 lands on far side of moon to collect samples UAE Pro League announces 'The Best' monthly awards winners for May Bodour Al Qasimi, Minister of Culture visit Faya Palaeolandscape Mountains playing football – A Bouquet of Poems from Vietnam Week-long Sindhi Film Festival in Nagpur India Poetry is not a Romantic Luxury – Dr. Jernail Singh Anand
Business Middle East - Mebusiness


The World Organization of Writers (WOW) born in Cairo

World writers and poets signed a Memorandum of Intention to create the World Organization of Writers (WOW) in Cairo, as an initiative raised by the VI Eurasian Literary Festival of Festivals held in Egypt across January and February 2023. For the first time, the idea of creating the World Organization of Writers was put forward at the

The Eurasian Cultural Spaces -An Interview

On January 24, the days of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly and the VI Eurasian Literary Festival LIffT began in Egypt, which are held by the International Federation of Non-Governmental Organizations the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly and the Foundation for the Promotion of Literary Projects of the Eurasian Peoples "LIffT" and

WPM Africa Congress, Migration from Death to Life

In Africa, millions are suffering a lot. Their lives have trampled over them with so critical problems. They are threatened by poverty, crushed by unemployment, wars, and disease overcomes them. The statistics tell us a lot about the aggravation of humanity's problems in the twenty-first century, as if the more humanity progresses,

The exceptional leader, His Highness Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan

Any serious attempt to examine the great transformations that the UAE police has witnessed during the past years regarding its image, philosophy, function, structures and technical capabilities cannot be completed without exploring the personality of Lieutenant General His Highness Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and

Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed .. State Leader and Commander of Commanders

His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan (may Allah protect him). Creative leader. In his auspicious, blessed and prosperous era, the art of management, empowerment and sustainable development are present on all occasions... When we talk about the art of management, for example, we find that a lot of experts and analysts around