Kosovar author Fahredin Shehu’s novel ‘Honeycomb’ published in USA Let’s live a life of a winning warrior – A Poem from Bengal The Babbling Squad – A Poem from India Sharjah participates at Seoul International Book Fair 2024 The Cultured Emotion Burma Sahib: How George Orwell Struggled With Racism, Colonialism, & His Indian Roots The Secret of Eternal Fragrance – Philosophical Poetry from India THE INDIAN PARADOX
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Book launching: The Security Imperative – Pakistan`s Nuclear Deterrence and Diplomacy

Building nuclear deterrence was Pakistan`s indispensable response to the existential threat – Ambassador (R) Qazi M. Khalilullah The launch ceremony of book “The Security Imperative – Pakistan`s Nuclear Deterrence and Diplomacy”, authored by Ambassador Zamir Akram, was held at Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur

National and International academicians call for integrating sustainability to higher education

Academicians from Pakistan, Russia, USA and UK show concern on depleting natural resources, increased consumption and growing population at a seminar organized by Sindh Madressatul Islam University Karachi, Sindh The distinguished academicians of Pakistan, Russia, USA and UK have shown their concern on depleting natural resources like


The climate is changing at an alarming speed, resulting in global warming, droughts, and desertification The climate is changing at an alarming speed, resulting in global warming, droughts, and desertification. Water is a miraculous molecule that constitutes 70 to 90 percent of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and provides an aqueous

Palestine’s Medal of Culture for the Colombian poet Fernando Rendón

President of the State of Palestine honored the Colombian poet in appreciation of his poetic and cultural efforts and creativity, and contribution to supporting the Palestinian cause The President of the State of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas, awarded the Colombian poet Fernando Rendón the Medal of Culture, Science and Arts – Level

Global Research Congress recommends making Culture & Languages part of curricula

The languages should be taken on global platforms to support diversity, pluralism and culture openness The recommendations formulated at Sindh Madressatul Islam University’s 2nd Global Research Congress and its six international conferences call for establishing cultural departments in higher education institutions Karachi,