Sindhi Koki – celebrating flavours and memories from a Sindhi kitchen The shrine of Bodlo Bahar in Sehwan Sharif BIG BANG: ARE WE GOING FORWARD OR TURNING BACKWARD? 35-Day World Culture Festival to begin in Karachi on Sep. 26 A roadmap to a meaningful and fulfilling existence Ballad of the Non-Existent – Poetry from Italy Ashraf Aboul-Yazid, CAJ First Secretary General Building Peace – Poetry from Italy
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Bitter Orange by the Lebanese writer Basma ElKhatib

We follow the swing that the narrator took in “Bitter Orange” by the Lebanese writer Basma ElKhatib (Dar Al-Adab) as a deceptive, rotating place from which she appears to tell, between a backward jolt that overlooks a past in which the most painful thing is, and the most beautiful thing in it is almost absent, and a forward jolt

A Moment of Lucidity – Poetry from Romania

And I ask myself rhetorically, Where am I in all this chaos? In a moment of lucidity, Or perhaps in a dream, That will open a portal To the true life. Corina Junghiatu, internationally acclaimed poet from Romania, shares her poetry Internationally acclaimed Poet Corina Junghiatu was born on12 April in 1981 in

Pakistan’s rare wild pheasants being pushed to the edge

Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan Pakistan is fast losing several rare wild pheasant species due to a string of threats including habitat degradation, hunting, climate change and human intervention, with wildlife experts warning that their extinction would be “disastrous” for ecosystems and biodiversity. Due to increasing habitat

School Is Not Everything!

Overemphasis on school and education might not be the best approach for every child While education is vital, it should not come at the expense of a child’s natural curiosity and joy for learning. The responsibility lies with both the educational system and parents to ensure that learning is a fulfilling and positive experience

Introduction to Great Poetry Movement

Great Poetry Movement, also Great Poeticism, is a poetic trend in the Chinese poetry world in the 21st century. Great poetry can be traced back to epic poetry. It was proposed by Chinese poet Hai Zi in the 1980s, and in 2007, poet Cao Shui wrote the "Manifesto of Great Poeticism" and jointly launched the Great Poetry Movement with