35-Day World Culture Festival to begin in Karachi on Sep. 26 A roadmap to a meaningful and fulfilling existence Ballad of the Non-Existent – Poetry from Italy Ashraf Aboul-Yazid, CAJ First Secretary General Building Peace – Poetry from Italy MIRROR – Mystic Poetry from India A Movie Called War – Poetry from Korea' A Movie Called War – Poetry from Korea
Business Middle East - Mebusiness


An Opinion on "Children's Literature" in the Arab World

Children's literature remains marginalized in most Arab countries, perceived as second or third-tier literature, much like detective novels. Consequently, critical studies of this literature are almost nonexistent, except for a few academic studies and dissertations for master's degrees. The public criticism is very distant from this

Sinking Vessel... Doubts about the Coast Guard's Story!

The incident of the sinking of the illegal immigration boat off the Greek coasts should not go unnoticed. The Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Egyptian government should pressure the Greek public prosecutor to make the investigations public, including the attendance of representatives from the Egyptian government and the Egyptian

"Shalimar Sharbatly... The story of an Egyptian artist who paints on luxury cars (video)"

The program "El Settat," broadcast on "Al-Nahar" channel, hosted Egyptian artist Shalimar Sharbatly to reveal the story behind her artwork on some of the world's most expensive cars. Shalimar Sharbatly shared that she began in the field of drawing at a young age, working in her mother's atelier, who graduated

Under the Umbrella of Graceful Concealment

Your ability to withhold your worries inside you is not all of your honorable work, what you will truly be remembered for is your ability to deal patiently with all your dilemmas. Your real honor lies in remaining a human amidst all of the aforementioned. It's a relief to remain this bearable person who endures in silence, to appear

The 33 Medellin International Poetry Festival (Full Program)

The festival will be launched with a virtual program (July 1 to 7. 2023). On Saturday July 1, 7:00 p.m. Valerio Magrelli (Italy), Sunday July 2, 7:00 p.m. Nuno Júdice (Portugal), Monday July 3, 7:00 p.m. Etenat Awol (Ethiopia), Paul Liam (Nigeria), Tuesday July 4, 7:00 p.m. Horacio Benavides (Colombia), Liu Xunfu (People’s