Should I import Date? When Love is Dumb – A Poem from Bosnia Herzegovina Migratory birds – Poetry from Bangladesh The Ganges River Flows – A Poem from Korea Pre-Partition Educational Institutions of Shikarpur Sindh ALTERING DIVINE EQUATIONS: THE TECHNOMAN AS A THREAT TO EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL BALANCE Rasool Bukhsh Palijo – An Undying Beacon of Light – Part-1 An Ethical Hollow Haunts Academicians, Philosophers and Scholars
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400 million under-fives regularly experience violent discipline at home

Six in ten children under five years old worldwide regularly endure psychological aggression or physical punishment at home – UNICEF Geneva Six in ten children under five years old worldwide regularly endure psychological aggression or physical punishment at home, according to new UNICEF estimates. Of these nearly 400 million

Detachment – Poetry from Bengal

Detachment reigns over the scary world to breed the seed of crawling distress Suhina Biswasmajumdar, a poet from Kolkata, West Bengal, shares her two fresh poems A writer from Kolkata, Bengal and a life-long devotee of Swami Vivekananda, Suhina is against any discrimination. Two significant life-forces propel her –

A Doll’s House: Nora’s Struggle for Identity within the Patriarchy

'A woman cannot be herself in contemporary society; it is an exclusively male society with laws drafted by men, and with counsel and judges who judge feminine conduct from the male point of view.' How far do you agree that Nora illustrates this viewpoint? I partially agree with the statement as Nora does suffer due to the

Diaries of June 30 revolution.. (The killing of officer Abu Shakra)

Seven of the Egyptian army soldiers were kidnapped in Rafah and the president asks the police to quickly return the soldiers while preserving their lives and the lives of the kidnappers, indicating his good faith and appreciation. However, this was interpreted as his desire to protect the kidnappers because they are affiliated with him,

The Flying Fly

Today, I read this phrase: "If you are destined to survive a flood, accept that you will forever be afraid of water." About twenty-five years ago, I developed a problem with my eye; the vitreous body detached from the retina without retinal detachment, thanks to God. The consequence was that I began to see phantom images, like a