The Secret of Eternal Fragrance – Philosophical Poetry from India THE INDIAN PARADOX Should I import Date? When Love is Dumb – A Poem from Bosnia Herzegovina Migratory birds – Poetry from Bangladesh The Ganges River Flows – A Poem from Korea Pre-Partition Educational Institutions of Shikarpur Sindh ALTERING DIVINE EQUATIONS: THE TECHNOMAN AS A THREAT TO EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL BALANCE
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Each of us gets their share of pain as they await their share of happiness. God has timings in your life that suit you first and foremost. I personally believe that the purer you are, the harder your journey is... but it is fruitful! In my youth, I had blind faith in everyone around me. With the naivety of youth, I imagined that

International Spring and Poetry Festival in Maltepe, Turkey

Letter from Istanbul: The first of the "International Spring and Poetry Festival", organized under the leadership of Maltepe Municipality, was held in Maltepe. Turkish poets also took part in the festival where poets from 9 countries such as America, France, Cuba, Colombia, Nepal, Portugal, India, Russia and Nigeria participated.

Turning Away and Keeping at a Distance

Happiness is when your soul becomes accustomed to sadness and darkness, like the Stockholm Syndrome; you become a prisoner of your habitual sadness because you are familiar with it and it with you. You know when it will come to you and how to deal with it, and you bid it farewell, waiting for a new encounter. It is your constant companion who

Their Best Love Poems Face Our Hard Times

"I Won't Find Another You" ; a bilingual anthology of best love poems in English and Hindi, has been published recently. I am grateful to editor and poet Thangjam Misna Chanu (Misna Chanu) who gave me the chance to read the English poems and write the back cover blurb. Santosh Bakaya wrote the foreword, and Ayathuri Santhan

"Summer Rain" by Ahmed Al-Qarmalawi

Contrast and difference are characteristics of the universe. The more the gap between two opposites or two different things increases, the clearer the vision becomes for the distant observer who detects this difference. The more you, dear reader, are in a distant viewing position of the contrasts around you with their data, the more you