The Secret of Eternal Fragrance – Philosophical Poetry from India THE INDIAN PARADOX Should I import Date? When Love is Dumb – A Poem from Bosnia Herzegovina Migratory birds – Poetry from Bangladesh The Ganges River Flows – A Poem from Korea Pre-Partition Educational Institutions of Shikarpur Sindh ALTERING DIVINE EQUATIONS: THE TECHNOMAN AS A THREAT TO EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL BALANCE
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We are not supernatural, we admit our limited abilities and annoying mood swings. We pride ourselves on the multiplicity of roles and bearing burdens. Despite our fragility, we challenge ourselves and drive ourselves to the secret Guantanamo prisons for discipline and torture, reaffirming resilience in the face of crossroads and their iron


The cemetery caretaker opened the door. The smell of death almost drove them back to the café again, for the dead have their dignity, and it was nighttime. Yet, Khalf's stubbornness and his insistence to continue the jesting turned it serious and their gathering: utterly harmonious and enjoyable, just like every day in the

Morning Chit-Chat - Sorrow

When sorrow engulfs most of us, we lament ourselves living its moments, so we pass over it with dignity, and create a thousand escape doors to run from the castles of our sadness. We immerse ourselves in life, completely forgetting that it has not left us or vanished, but rather it hid beneath what we called the darkness of the mind. The

"Between Supporter and Opponent.. He is Abdel Nasser"

People never have and never will all agree on love for a person. If their agreement was possible, they would have agreed on love for the Prophet who brought them the truth. Despite the sincerity, devotion, and faith of the prophets, they could not win the love of all. So, there is no need for anger or rebellion whenever someone dislikes the

Was July 23, 1952 a Happy Ending or Just a Beginning?

The Egyptian never accepted a life without dignity. The Egyptian never agreed to a life imposed by the grip of occupation, under the control of those in power along with their associates. Beyond these power circles, people were left in poverty, ignorance, and disease. What the Egyptian didn't accept for himself, he didn't accept for