The new issue of the Poetry Planetariat comes out at the time when the poet-delegates from around the world are meeting in Medellin on 13-15 July and in Caracas on 17-19 July 2023 for the First World Congress of the World Poetry Movement (WPM). We take this opportunity to welcome all the poet delegates from across the continents.
I am not an economist or a specialist in this field, but what is confirmed to me by all experts and those familiar with economic conditions is that the economy is a state before it is numbers and theories. Whenever a state of optimism prevails among people, the greater the opportunity to overcome crises, no matter how difficult they are.
"Your first love doesn't necessarily have to be the first love you've encountered or the first heartbeat you've felt, but your first love could be the second, the third, or even the last.
Your first love is the first, and the world comes after it.
Your first love is fear, confusion, and a lot of jealousy.
Your first
Seven of the Egyptian army soldiers were kidnapped in Rafah and the president asks the police to quickly return the soldiers while preserving their lives and the lives of the kidnappers, indicating his good faith and appreciation. However, this was interpreted as his desire to protect the kidnappers because they are affiliated with him,
heart is suspended here, with the blade of the butcher's knife as it rises into the air, spinning and swaying with laughter around me, falling onto the whetstone, making its frictions a whine in my marrow.
- Say a prayer for the Prophet.
You wouldn't believe what I witnessed, for we were in the days of Eid.