Sharjah participates at Seoul International Book Fair 2024 The Cultured Emotion Burma Sahib: How George Orwell Struggled With Racism, Colonialism, & His Indian Roots The Secret of Eternal Fragrance – Philosophical Poetry from India THE INDIAN PARADOX Should I import Date? When Love is Dumb – A Poem from Bosnia Herzegovina Migratory birds – Poetry from Bangladesh
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The techno-man is emerging as the villain who is proving a threat to the existence of nature, and God, and finally to his own existence. The issue of survival now is not only for man. It is for nature on one hand, and God on the other. The techno-man is emerging as the villain who is proving a threat to the existence of nature, and God,

Mrs. Chatterjee vs Norway

How can a mother be accused of kidnapping her own children? With tearful eyes and a throbbing heart I watched “Mrs. Chatterjee vs Norway.” I was so much touched by the movie that is based on a true story not only because I am a mother but also because I lived in the west for some time and I fully understand what it means to be

Attraction and Admiration

A person spends most of their life captivated by beauty. Whether it be in people, material possessions, or natural scenes and tourism. Seeking beauty, venerating it is genetically coded into the human psyche. Focusing on the social aspect, we’ll talk about beauty in people. We are all aware of the existence of an objective

The Modern Utopia is in Stasis

The Modern Utopia has bestowed upon us a wealth of knowledge and technological advancements. It is a time of media saturation and technological marvels, where information flows abundantly from countless sources. It is an era that elicits appreciation and praise for the opportunities it provides. However, amidst this abundance, we must

Is the translator a messenger or a censor?

Translation is a text transferred from one language into another. The aim of this process is to exchange experience, information as well as inclusion of the other in a talk or meeting. For ages, translation was the means that brought people closer. It bridged the gap between civilizations and nations of different languages and backgrounds.