The story of the play revolves around drifting away of young Sindhi generation from their language, culture and civilization in post-partition India
Gwalior, India
“Sindhu Darpan”, a performing art group, in collaboration with Madhya Pradesh Sindhi Sahitya Academy, staged a Sindhi play on Sunday March 3, 2024 in Gwalior city of Madhya Pradesh state.
The story of the drama, titled “Waari’a Sando Kot” (Sand Castles), revolves around the ordeal of Sindhis who had to migrate from Sindh to India after partition in 1947 and faced hardships in resettling in a new land leaving behind ancestral abodes and all belongings.
The play, authored by renowned Sindhi writer Lakhmi Khilani, also depicts how the young generation of Sindhis drifted away from their language, culture and civilization after having taken birth in a prosperous society in post-partition India.
More than 20 artists, including three children of five to ten years age, performed in this famous Sindhi Natak (Drama). The main role of an elder of a Sindhi family, migrated from Sindh and settled in India, was played by Mr. Nari Lachhwani, a renowned poet, singer and artist from Hirdaram Nagar city of Madhya Pradesh. His wife’s character was performed by Ms. Kavita Israni, who also directed the play. Nari Lachhwani’s ancestors had also migrated from Sindh as a result of partition of subcontinent.
“The play, being so popular among Sindhi community, has so far been staged in more than twenty cities of India,” Nari Lachhwani told Sindh Courier.
He said that the story of the play is so powerful that it touches the hearts and the audience starts crying while watching the play. “The play was staged at Natiya Mandir, a famous theater and oldest one located in Daal Bazaar area of Gwalior. The entire hall was full and about one hundred people had to go back as seats were not available.”
Nari Lachhwani said that Sindhi performing art groups had been organizing stage plays across India. He himself has performed in over sixty plays.
“Another stage play, titled “Wirhasat” written by famous writer Khialdas Begwani Fani (late), was among very popular stage plays, presented for about 30 times,” Nari Lachhwani told Sindh Courier.
Published under International Cooperation with "Sindh Courier"