UNCTAD rebrands as 'UN Trade and Development'

To mark its 60th anniversary, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has been rebranded as “UN Trade and Development”.

This strategic move underscores the organisation's commitment to greater impact with a new, clearer visual identity aiming to better reflect its work and values and to amplify its global voice on behalf of developing countries.

UN Trade and Development Secretary-General Rebeca Grynspan, said, “Visible, transformational change is our objective. We are celebrating UNCTAD’s achievements of the past 60 years as a forward-looking, renewed organisation, building on our legacy but ready to respond to the new complexities of the global economy. We will continue to work to ensure development is at the core of global economic decisions, and the voice of developing countries is heard."

The rebranding marks a pivotal moment. It is the first-ever comprehensive review of UNCTAD’s global communication footprint and a bold, forward-looking strategy to better communicate its work and values.

Under the leadership of Secretary-General Rebeca Grynspan, the organisation has been adapting to a rapidly changing global trade landscape impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, geopolitical tensions and climate change, with initiatives that enhance the organisation's capacity to rapidly analyse new challenges and support efforts in developing nations.

The new name and logo will be used on all the organisation’s official channels in the six UN languages.
