UAE participates in Arab Ministerial Water Council meeting in Saudi Arabia

 Ahmed Al Kaabi, Assistant Under-Secretary for Water and Future Energy at the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, led the UAE delegation at the 15th session of the Arab Ministerial Water Council held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

He highlighted the UAE's initiatives supporting the 2036 Water Security Strategy, energy and water sector goals within the 2050 Climate Neutrality Initiative, and the nation's global initiative urging international response and cooperation to address the escalating global water scarcity challenge.

The country's efforts in enhancing global awareness on water scarcity and leading a coordinated international response to this critical issue threatening humanity's future were also emphasised. The meeting addressed the implementation progress of the Arab Water Security Strategy and the Sustainable Development Plan 2030 concerning water, along with Arab cooperation in exploiting and managing shared water resources.

Simultaneously, the fifth Arab Water Conference on Sustainable Development in the Arab Region aligned with the sixth goal on water challenges and opportunities.
