UAEU Board of Trustees holds first meeting of academic year 2023/24

The Board of Trustees of the United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) held its first meeting of the academic year 2023/24 in the form of a two-day retreat in Abu Dhabi, chaired by the University Chancellor, Zaki Nusseibeh, Cultural Adviser to the UAE President.

The Board received presentations on indices of UAEU’s international ranking and recommended actions to be incorporated in the university’s strategic plan that aims to enhance the prominence of its academic and research performance, and to increase global recognition of its institutional identity.

The Board received a presentation concerning policies and practices that are prevalent in the global higher education sector. This provided the context for a discussion of UAEU’s own strategy for sustainable development.

To inform discussion of higher education funding, the Board received a presentation on the UAE government’s current initiatives for the role of higher education in the development of UAE’s knowledge economy.

In connection with its responsibility for risk management, the Board reviewed UAEU’s current risk management strategy, its risk profile, and its appetite for risk.

Chair of the Academic and Student Affairs Committee presented the Board with the Committee’s periodic report. The Board accepted the report’s conclusions and recommendations and duly approved a new MEd programme in Gifted and Talented Education; the establishment of the Mouza bint Suhail Centre for Exceptional Children, and fee-changes for Master’s degree programmes in the College of Education.

Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee, reported on the committee’s reviews of internal and external audit, and enterprise risk management.

The Board received a presentation on UAEU’s financial performance for the third quarter of 2023 and noted its conclusions. It also approved UAEU’s audited financial statements for the financial year to 31st December 2022.
