Magic Beheld in Darkness

Magic Beheld in Darkness

Nader Fathy

Amidst the enveloping darkness, fragments of light from scattered decorative bulbs dotted the path along the beach, casting fleeting illumination on the tranquil scene. Despite the obscurity, the clear blue seawater retained its enchanting iridescence, captivating even the most timid creatures to venture out of their homes and wander aimlessly. I continued pedalling, my gaze irresistibly drawn to the contrasting spectacle that threatened to distract me, risking a deviation from the narrow, meandering path running parallel to the wondrous shoreline.

This very spot, teeming with bustling activity during the daylight hours, hosted a multitude of people lining the shore, and others joyfully immersing themselves in the inviting waters. It was a vibrant location, filled with exuberant cheer and adorned with multi-coloured, polygonal sunshades providing respite from the sun's scorching rays. Various buoyant objects, resembling lesser creatures, floated across the saline expanse, offering support to those in need and creating a vivid tapestry of shapes and sizes.

Deliberately disregarding any potential injury, I remained fixated on the unfolding spectacle, eager to absorb every minute detail and etch them indelibly into my memory. The serendipitous chain of events that led me to this place—choosing to ride a bicycle, and furthermore, opting for the less-travelled, dimly lit route towards the beach—was a testament to the profound beauty that unfolded before me. This path, often forsaken during nocturnal hours due to its lack of illumination and distance from civilization, presented occasional stumbling blocks. Yet an unsettling sense of being watched pervaded, a primal instinct that couldn't be ignored. This stretch was inherently unsafe after dusk, urging me to exercise caution and maintain a steady momentum that would allow for a swift escape if necessary. Nonetheless, the contrasting hues of sunset orange emitted by the meagre decorative lights, juxtaposed against the deep marine blue of the sea, resembled a fantastical realm where magic permeated every corner of existence. It was a moment that echoed louder than any fear-induced panic ever could, a vivid proclamation of an ethereal world brimming with enchantment.

Now, that surreal encounter felt like a distant memory, a faint echo that dissipated abruptly as the thunderous crash of a massive wave jolted me back to reality. In that fleeting moment of profound impact, everything I believed about happiness was shattered, leaving an indelible mark on my soul that dragged even the strongest notions down into the earth.

As the wave receded, returning the beach to its serene state, I found myself contemplating the transience of such moments. They were ephemeral, capable of etching themselves deep within us, only to be swept away by the inexorable tide of life. It was a poignant reminder of the fleeting nature of joy and the impermanence of the extraordinary. But it also served as a catalyst for introspection, urging me to cherish those fleeting moments, to seek beauty in the simplest of encounters, and to cultivate gratitude for the profound impact they could leave in their wake.

The night enveloped me once more, and as I continued my journey along the path, I carried with me the memory of that mesmerizing scene—a vivid tableau of light and dark, of enchantment and danger. And while the fear and the unknown lingered, I also carried the knowledge that the world was filled with fleeting moments of wonder, waiting to be embraced by those willing to venture into the darkness and allow themselves to be captivated by the magic that lies just beyond the veil.
