UAE, Netherlands boost cultural ties

Zaki Nusseibeh, Minister of State, and Lody Embrechts, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Netherlands to the UAE, have discussed ways to enhance cultural cooperation between the two countries and highlighted the depth of ties in the economic and diplomatic fields.

In a video meeting, Nusseibeh pointed out that the historical relations between the UAE and the Netherlands are distinguished by depth, continuity and joint work across various sectors available for cooperation.

The two sides suggested launching a cultural marathon between the UAE and the Netherlands in cooperation with the Netherlands Embassy and inviting partners in the cultural fields from both countries.

The Dutch Ambassador said that 2021 will witness the 50th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between the two friendly countries.

Nusseibeh, in turn, welcomed the preparation to celebrate this occasion, which reflects the development of the UAE-Netherlands diplomatic relations, pointing out that it can be prepared in conjunction with the Dubai Expo next year.

The meeting was attended by officials from both sides.
